In which I air our dirty laundry. Literally.


I’ve realized lately that I am really hating doing laundry. And it’s no wonder when you look at the awful state of organization in our closet. I mean, who on earth would want to put laundry away in the tornado that is our closet? It’s such an embarrassment. I have this fantasy of gorgeous boudoir closets. You know the kind – a nice chandelier, some pretty paint, and coordinating baskets to hold unmentionables.

Ha. Yeah, ours is about as far away from that as you could get. I have met my match. This closet is my nemesis.

Which is sad, really, considering how much I adore clothes. I really do. I just don’t know how to stay on top of keeping them organized.

Awful closet

Awful closet

Awful closet

My hope, now that spring is here, is to get everything organized and cleaned out. I tend to do an annual purge of clothes that I don’t wear much anymore and I’m thinking now is that time. It’s awful to look at how disorganized these photos look, but inspiring too. Now I can see where the problem areas really lie.  I’d also like some kind of inexpensive window treatment on the tiny window (same size as in Jude’s playroom upstairs).

My other goal is to organize our big bakers’ rack out in the garage. I envision it as a place where we can store, in order and beauty, all kinds of things, from toilet paper and paper towels to some of my entertaining wares like my big drink dispenser that I got for a steal from BB&B. It’s just too big to keep in the house. So I’m thinking that this would be a great place for all those things I don’t know quite what to do with, and yet have them still look nicely displayed. There’s no reason the garage has to look like a dump.

Awful garage.

But in other areas, I feel like there is progress. We have had 4 “junk drawers” in our house. Now we have only 2. I feel really proud of the progress I’ve made in organizing things in the kitchen and laundry room. So much of that is because I physically feel better and now I actually have the physical and mental energy to deal with our clutter. And now our laundry room is looking neat & clean. Keeping the countertop visible in the laundry room is my goal. I also moved my new wireless printer in there, and we are getting 4x as much use out of it than we were up in the office. That’s progress.

Cleaned up laundry room

I got the tiny lamp at Goodwill for $5. It was shade-less, so I picked up a plain jane shade at Target for $7. I’d like to doll it up at some point, maybe do something to it to match my file folders. Not today, though.

Cheapo lamp

And finally, a reminder that I keep pinned up on the wall in the laundry room, from a helpful counselor that I know. A good reminder for everybody that we all have 7 basic desires of our heart that need to be met for us to feel good. Are the seven desires of your heart being met? Are you treating those you love in such a way to meet their seven desires?


with love,

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